Saturday, September 11, 2010

New To Blogging

I joined a stitching forum and many use blogs as a way of journaling their stitching projects. They post pictures of the finished items along with information such as what threads they used, the designer's name, what fabric they stitched on etc. I have taken pictures of many of my works but hadn't thought to put them all in one place with journal type information. This sounded like a good idea, so I thought I would go ahead and do it.


  1. Hi! I found the link to your blog in the Chinese cross stitch forum!
    I personnally think it's awesome to have a blog, not only it's a great way to keep track on your projects (and to back up photos too! My blog saved me several times when my pc crashed and I lost all of my craft photos!) It's alos a way to discover so many new stitchers, patterns and ideas! I can't wait to see some of your prjects here on your blog! Bye!

  2. I can't wait either!=)
    Welcome to Blogland!
